Orthodox Forum
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Orthodox Forum – Holy Trinity Cathedral, Charlotte
Meets once a month, usually the third Thursday each month
Contact: Fr. Christian (frchristian@htgo.org)
“Therefore, encourage one another and build up one another.”
~1 Thessalonians 5:11
Mission Statement: The mission of the Orthodox Forum is to cultivate relationships among our young adults (20s-40s), while striving together for the fullness of the Orthodox Christian faith, through attainment of the image and likeness of God (Theosis), by practicing the four circles of Christian living: Worship (Liturgia), Witness (Martyria), Service (Diakonia) and Fellowship (Koinonia).
The Orthodox Forum regularly hosts social gatherings, community service projects, religious retreats which are listed in the church bulletin. The major activities of the Orthodox Forum include participating and supporting the youth ministries of our Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral (e.g. just donated $10,000 to help underwrite the new basketball floor in Fr. C Hall); hosting one officers’ meeting and one social meeting per month (usually on the third Thursday of the Month); hosting the Annual Basketball Convention held on Columbus Day Weekend, that attracts more than 350 participants from throughout the eastern seaboard; the annual Yiasou Greek Festival 5K-Run, attracting more than 1000 runners from throughout the Charlotte area; participating in a minimum of three volunteer service projects per year (e.g. Project Mexico, Habitat for Humanity, and FOCUS North America’s Operation Appalachia); Also in the works include an annual beach trip; ski trip, a retreat to the Diakonia center, and more. There is no membership fee to join and everyone in this age group is considered a member in good standing as long as they are Greek Orthodox Christians.