“Praise the Lord! Praise God in His Sanctuary; praise Him in His Mighty Heavens! Praise Him for His Mighty Deeds; praise Him according to His Excellent Greatness!”

Psalm 150:1-6


All young boys from the 3rd grade to the 12th grade that wish to help serve in the Holy Altar under the guidance of the Priest, please contact one of the priests or the Youth Director.


Chanters or Psaltes help the Priests with the responses and other hymns during Church Services. Usually these persons have musical abilities that inspire the congregation.

Holy Trinity Choir

Holy Trinity Cathedral Choir serves both Sunday Divine Liturgies through its two adult choral ensembles. Both choirs sing in Greek and English. Most recently, a choir comprised of HOPE/JOY age children has been formed to sing during the Children’s Liturgy and other services throughout the year.

First Divine Liturgy Byzantine Choir
This group sings and chants the first Liturgy bilingually with emphasis on English as its primary language. Rehearsals/classes are held during the Second Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings.

Second Divine Liturgy Choir
This group sings and chants the second Liturgy bilingually with emphasis on Greek as its primary language. In addition, this ensemble sings for all other services throughout the Liturgical Year. They also perform annually at the Yiasou Greek Festival and for the Cathedral’s Christmas Program. Rehearsals are held every Sunday morning at 8:00am.

Everyone is invited to become a member of any of the choirs. No previous musical experience is required and there is no audition for membership.

Narthex Committee

Composed of Parish Council members and other lay members of the Church willing to help in the Narthex to ensure an orderly worship service by guiding the parishioners into the Church and helping the Priest as needed.

Prosfora Committee

This wonderful group of ladies provides the Prosfora (Church bread) to the Church when it is needed. They prepare and bake Prosfora in our Church kitchen.

Visit our Cathedral and experience the beauty of the Divine Liturgy.