“Let the children come to me; for to such belongs the Kingdom of God.”
Mark 10:14
Youth activities include religious retreats and worship, service to the parish, community witness opportunities, athletic activities, and social programs.
Religious Retreats
Available through the Diakonia Center of the Holy Metropolis of Atlanta, in Salem, SC, include:
- St. Stephen’s Summer Camp
- Advent and Lenten Retreats
Retreats at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Charlotte, NC include:
- Altar Boy Retreats
- GOYA Paraklesis services (Dormition Fast)
- Lenten Retreat
- Bake sales
- Palm Sunday luncheon (spring)
Philanthropic Activities
Available through:
- Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC)
- International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)
- St. Basil’s Academy
- Orthodox Christian Network
- Loaves and Fishes
Service Projects:
- Annual Yiasou Festival 5K-Run
- FOCUS North America
- Project Mexico
- Habitat-for-Humanity
- Visits to shut-ins
- Christmas caroling to retirement and nursing homes
- Helping feed the poor and homeless
Social Events:
- Summer beach trip
- Day hikes
- Church lock-ins
- Pizza night
- Pool & ice cream party
- Dinner-&-a-movie night
- Fireside chats
Athletic Events:
- Open gym nights
- Winter Youth Rally (Christmas Break)
- Ski trip
- Parish dodge-ball and volleyball tournaments
- Richmond Basketball Tournament
- Holy Trinity Soccer (fall and spring leagues)

“Welcome to the Youth Ministries Page. I’m Sarah Vastis, the Director of Youth Ministries. On this page you’ll find a sample of the youth programs offered here at Holy Trinity. You can email me at sarah@htgo.org for more information or come see me at the office anytime. I look forward to hearing from you!” ~ Sarah

Please take a look below at the different programs and ministries we offer for all different ages. If you would like your child to participate in any of our youth ministry programs, they will need to registered through our online CampDoc portal. You can effortlessly register your child/children, update their medical files, and submit secure online payments – all from the comfort of your home.
Register your child today by clicking here

Sunday School classes provide our youth with a Christ-centered education of our Orthodox Faith, and cultivate a community through Worship, Fellowship, Service, and Witness. Our teachers are dedicated and loving people, teaching the traditions of our faith in a simple a holy manner. Sunday School runs from Mid-September through Mid-May.
Sunday School also offers our registered and in good-standing 12th graders a 4 day trip to St. Augustine, Florida in the spring as a graduation gift. During their stay, the 12th graders will visit the St. Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine and the Orthodox Christian Mission Center.
For further questions please contact Sarah at: htgocsundayschool@gmail.com

This program offers opportunities for our 4th through 12th graders to learn traditional Greek dances from various parts of Greece. Practices are held regularly throughout the year. With over 350 participants, our Dance Program is one of the largest in the country. Our director, Stacie Zambas, alongside her committee spearhead this dynamic program.
During the month of January, the dance instructors and the participants travel to compete against other Greek Orthodox Churches in the Hellenic Dance Festival (HDF) Metropolis event.
Checkout our HDF highlight video here
For further questions please contact Stacie at: holytrinitydanceclt@gmail.com

The athletics program at Holy Trinity is home to over 200 youth, boys and girls, between the ages of Kindergarten and 12th grade. Our teams are registered to play in local leagues against other religious organizations. Along with practices, our athletic program offers opportunities for our children to grow and socialize with their Orthodox peers.
Registration Period: July through Mid-August
Practices Begin: Mid-August
Season Runs: September through November
Registration Period: January through Mid-February
Practices Begin: Mid-February
Season Runs: March through May
Registration Period: September through Mid-October
Practices Begin: November
Season Runs: December through February
The QCC Basketball tournament is opened to all Orthodox Christian youth in the greater Metropolis of Atlanta. Hosted by our own Cathedral, this tournament offers a great way for Orthodox Youth to interact with each other in Christian fellowship and a healthy competitive spirit.
Registration Period: Mid-December to Mid-January
Tournament Date: President’s Day Weekend in February

These is a ministry for our young boys (10 years old and up) and for men who have been given a special blessing to assist in the Holy Altar during the Holy Divine Liturgy and other Church services throughout the year.

Greek Orthodox Youth of America (GOYA) provides 6th -12th grade youth with opportunities to participate in worship, volunteer, engage in philanthropic activities and grow their Orthodox Christian faith.
The GOYA Forum meets once a month to discuss relevant topics. We also offer other gathering opportunities: local trips, over-night retreats, and service projects.

The HOPE & JOY is for our younger children between the ages of Kindergarten through 5th grade. Parents, with their children, come together monthly to engage their kids in activities and learning opportunities.
During the month of June, we offer our Vacation Bible School (VBS). VBS is a week day camp where children learn stories pertaining to their faith, sing along music, and arts and crafts.

The Metropolis of Atlanta puts on various youth ministry events throughout the year. I have highlighted a few of these events below. For up-to-date information, please visit their website here.
GOYA Fall & Spring Retreat – A 3 day, 2 night retreat for our 7th through 12th graders at the Diakonia Retreat Center.
Winter Youth Rally– A 4 day, 3 night retreat and basketball tournament for all Greek Orthodox Churches of our metropolis.
Hellenic Dance Festival – A 4 day, 3 night dance competition for all Greek Orthodox Churches of our metropolis.
Oratorical Festival – A ministry designed to engage our outspoken youth through public speaking on faith-based topics. The local festival is held in March.