Mrs. Olympia Koutsokalis
Greek Afternoon School
Pre-K – 6th Grade
The Standard Program (SP):
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5:00-6:45 pm
The Oral Communication Program (OCP):
Tuesdays, 5:00-6:45 pm
School of Continuing Education
Youth, Young Adults & Adults
Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 pm
Classes begin in October and end in May
Volunteer Opportunities
Parents are encouraged to volunteer and to participate in Greek School activities. Please see the Greek School director to find out ways to become involved.
Teaching the Greek language, Greece’s glorious history and our Orthodox Christian beliefs.
Mission Statement: The mission of the Holy Trinity Greek Afternoon School, the School of Continuing Education and the authorized Examination Center is the teaching, preservation and promotion of the Greek language, Greece’s glorious history, its great civilization, the Hellenic-Christian ideals, and the subsequent reinforcement of Greek national identity in the Greek students – holy heritage and unsurpassed values for the generations of today and tomorrow.
ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ: Αποστολή του Ελληνικού Απογευματινού Σχολείου Αγίας Τριάδος, του Ελληνικού Σχολείου Συνεχιζόμενης Ελληνικής Εκπαίδευσης και του επίσημα αναγνωρισμένου Εξεταστικού Κέντρου Ελληνομάθειας είναι η διατήρηση, διδασκαλία και προαγωγή της ελληνικής γλώσσας, της ένδοξης ελληνικής ιστορίας, του μεγαλειώδους ελληνικού πολιτισμού, των ελληνοχριστιανικών ιδεωδών και η μέσω αυτών τόνωση της εθνικής ταυτότητας των Ελλήνων της ευρύτερης περιοχής – ιερές παρακαταθήκες κι αξεπέραστες αξίες για τις γενιές του σήμερα και του αύριο.ΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΗ: Αποστολή του Ελληνικού Απογευματινού Σχολείου Αγίας Τριάδος, του Ελληνικού Σχολείου Συνεχιζόμενης Ελληνικής Εκπαίδευσης και του επίσημα αναγνωρισμένου Εξεταστικού Κέντρου Ελληνομάθειας είναι η διατήρηση, διδασκαλία και προαγωγή της ελληνικής γλώσσας, της ένδοξης ελληνικής ιστορίας, του μεγαλειώδους ελληνικού πολιτισμού, των ελληνοχριστιανικών ιδεωδών και η μέσω αυτών τόνωση της εθνικής ταυτότητας των Ελλήνων της ευρύτερης περιοχής – ιερές παρακαταθήκες κι αξεπέραστες αξίες για τις γενιές του σήμερα και του αύριο.
The Greek School has three major components:
- Greek Afternoon School
- School of Continuing Greek Education
- Authorized Examination Center for the Certification of Competence in Greek
Programs Are Achieved Through:
- The training and support of the teachers of the Greek Language, the production and publishing of relevant promotional material, the conduct of lectures about Greece in Elementary Schools and Universities and the reinforcement of the Greek National Identity in the Greeks in the area.
- The indivisible and excellent cooperation of highly motivated, well trained and enthusiastic managing and teaching staff and dedicated and unselfish School Board and PTO members.
- The continuous support, love and valuable advice of the Dean and the Priests of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral and the President of the Parish Council and its members.
- The joy, love, zeal and enduring efforts of the parents to initiate their children to the richest language of the world, the mother of all languages, the language of the Bible and the Gospels, the language of their ancestors.
- The encouragement of the students to learn more about Greece’s bright civilization, glorious history, traditions and Orthodox Christian Principles – the Hellenic Heritage and unsurpassed values that belong not just to Greeks but to Humanity, because of its many astonishing contributions to the organization of our societies and the way they continue to influence, for thousands of years now, the world’s civilization from the philosophy, to the architecture, the democracy, the medicine, the mathematics, the fine arts, the heroism, the freedom.
- The continuous generous support of philanthropic parishioners, who are eager to see Holy Trinity Community preserve and promote the Greek Language and Hellenism in all its aspects.

- To develop and accelerate the Greek Language knowledge and skills of young and adults in all four domains: Comprehension of oral and written communication and production of oral and written communication.
- To initiate them to the fundamentals of the Greek Mythology, Geography and Traditions, the glorious Greek Ancient, Byzantine and Modern History and the Hellenic Civilization, that made Greece an example of study in a plethora of schools and higher institutions all over the world.
- To teach the children some of the basics of the Greek Orthodox Christian Faith and its unsurpassed values, in order for them to develop ethical character and become good Samaritans in their society.
- Learn speak, write and understand Greek, not only to preserve the language of their ancestors and the foundation of all languages, but by doing so to advance, as studies show, their critical thinking skills, their communication skills, their competence in their native language and receptivity toward other people and cultures, creating a comparative advantage in today’s global and highly competitive world.
- Learn about the Greek myths and Greek civilization that influenced all societies, get to know the great Greek philosophers, the Olympic Games, the Golden Age, the Acropolis and its great monument the Parthenon, Alexander the Great and his achievements, the glorious history of the Byzantine Empire and the Great Fathers of the Greek Orthodox Christian Church, the 400 years of slavery to Turks, the Greek Heroic Revolution in 1821, its heroes and the riches of freedom after that, the OXI Day that changed the course of the world’s history.
- Know Greece today, a modern nation and full member of the European Union, a Union of countries friendly to the United States of America.
- Proudly celebrate the anniversary of the Greek National Holidays of the 25th of March 1821 and the 28th of October 1940, having in minded that “Whatever is not celebrated, it is forgotten and dies”.
- Respectfully participate in our biggest Greek Orthodox Christian celebrations, to pray, feel the love of the Church and all of our parishioners and be blessed by our Savior Jesus Christ.
- Learn to dance traditional Greek dances, to pray in Greek and sing hymns, the carols and patriotic songs the way children dance and sing in their mother country Greece.
- Develop self-confidence, self-esteem, enthusiasm, love for Greece, love for their Church, their Parishioners and their people around them, without any prejudice or discrimination regarding race, color, ethnicity, religion.
- Continue, in their lives and with their own families, to preserve, spread, promote and support the unsurpassed values of the Greek Language, Civilization, and Orthodox Faith and feel proud they are Americans of Greek Heritage.
The above first three goals are achieved through a carefully planned curriculum, appropriate to each class and development level, using modern educational series, supplied by our Archdiocese and by the Greek National Ministry of Education and other educational material, applying modern teaching and learning strategies and methods, and sticking to our effective “Student Centered” philosophy of education.
The last five objectives are achieved through a carefully written Handbook that defines the rights and obligations of the Greek School Authorities, Teaching Staff, PTO Council Members, Parents and Students involved in the Greek Language and Culture Education.
Greek Afternoon School
The Trinity Greek Orthodox Greek Afternoon School was established in 1935. It offers two educational programs for children 4-12 years old from Pre-k through 6th Grade. We also offer classes for Young Adult & Adult. All of our teachers are professional educators.
The two educational programs offered by the Greek Afternoon School are:
- The Standard Program (SP)
- The Oral Communication Program (OCP)
The Standard Program (SP): This program offers classes twice a week and aims at developing and accelerating all four Greek linguistic skills of the participants: comprehension of oral and written communication and production of oral and written communication. The students are also taught Religion, Greek Mythology, History, Geography and Culture, and learn to dance and sing traditional Greek dances, hymns and songs and proudly participate in the celebration of the anniversary of the Greek National Holidays and honor with their presence the biggest Greek Orthodox Christian celebrations of our Greek Orthodox Faith.
The Oral Communication Program (OCP): It offers classes once a week and gives emphasis on developing the oral communication skills of the participants. Because of the limited time, the students of this program do not have the same opportunity to develop and accelerate their Greek Language skills in all other aspects of the language as well as the SP students do. However, the educators do their best and parents and students are very happy with this program, which was introduced in 1997.
School of Continuing Education
The Holy Trinity Greek School of Continuing Education was established in 1997 in order to satisfy the needs of our young adult parishioners, Greeks, Greek-Americans or American wives or husbands from mixed marriages, who are willing to start and learn the Greek Language and those young and adults, who desire to advance their Greek Language skills, obtained through exams, the official Certificate of Attainment in Modern Greek, offered by the Center for the Greek Language (CGL), either for their own personal satisfaction, getting a job, or presenting it and seek appropriate credits at their high schools or universities they attend (UNCC offers 6 full credits to the holders of the Level B1 Certificate). This Certificate of Attainment in Modern Greek is recognized almost all over the world and candidates can take the exams at several Examination Centers that have been approved and authorized by the Greek Government, one of them being the Holy Trinity Greek School.
The Greek School of Continuing Education offers the following programs:
- Adult Classes: An average of 15 adults attend Greek Language classes every year.
- Advanced Classes: Preparing Candidates for the examination for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Greek, offered by the CGL by Order of the Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning & Religions.