“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.
You are serving the Lord Christ.”

Colossians 3:23-24

Parish Council

Vaki Karampourniotis

The Parish Council is elected by the community and oversee all administrative and financial ministries of the Parish.

President: Vaki Karampourniotis
Vice-President: George Karres
Treasurer: Dean Peroulas
Asst. Treasurer: Georgette Boukidis
Secretary: Stacey Vastis
Asst. Secretary: Gus Pappas

Office Staff

These administrative positions assist in the daily operations and functions of our Cathedral. If you are interested in helping in the office, please contact the cathedral secretary (704) 334-4771.

Positions include: Cathedral Office Manager, Cathedral Secretary, Financial Secretary, Facilities Manager, Director of Youth Ministry, Director of Communication.

Technology Committee

The goal of the Technology Committee is to help Holy Trinity administer and maintain various technologies (Network, Servers, Personal Computers, Printers, etc.) throughout the organization.

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